Saturday, February 25, 2023

Hell's Angels - Oakland


"Angels Forever, Forever Angels."
  - Hell's Angels slogan

A few years back, a friend and I were doing some gravehopping in Oakland, California's Evergreen Cemetery. The park is infamous as the final resting place of nearly 400 victims of the 1978 Jonestown tragedy.  Readers of this blog will remember that report.

I said goodbye to my friend and spent some additional time in the park, looking for, most notably, one of the Little Rascals.  In my search for Allen "Farina" Hoskins, I made a truly unique discovery.  Evergreen is the official cemetery of the Oakland, California, branch of the outlaw biker club, Hell's Angels.

The first chapter was founded in Fontana, California, in 1948.  Otto Friedli, a World War 2 veteran, is credited with forming the initial chapter, after breaking away from a rival gang, the Pissed Off Bastards.  Hey, the more you know.  Chapters soon began cropping up all across the country.

Today, Oakland serves as the worldwide headquarters of Hell's Angels, so it's no surprise that they have such a huge presence within the community.  An entire section of Evergreen is reserved for their fallen members.

Rest in peace, Angels.

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